Meet the Winners
We are thrilled to announce Muddy’s 2023 Best Schools Awards winners.
We’ve been blown away by the quality of entries (over 400 of them!) across our 13 categories showcasing modern, well rounded, pastorally strong education. Our expert panel of judges have now chosen the WINNERS in each of the categories.
Go to the Results page to find out who’s top of class, plus the schools that were shortlisted as FINALISTS & HIGHLY COMMENDED by the judges. Gold stars all round!
Thank you to ALL the participants who took part this year, the standard of entries was as ever exceptionally high, and it was so fantastic to see what makes a great school, the very best!
If you are interested in finding out how you can enter our 2024 Best School Awards, please watch this space, or contact
Hero Brown
Editor-in-Chief, Muddy Stilettos
The Categories
The 13 categories allow schools to showcase what makes them unique, and how they truly deliver for the children in their care.

Why Get Involved
Gain Trust
1.2m ABC1 women each month read Muddy Stilettos and explicity trust our brand and its recommendations.
Show Your Support
Enter our Awards and show your staff how much you appreciate their efforts.
Effective PR
Winning at a brand new, modern, forward-thinking Awards is great publicity for your school.
Be a Winner
We'll champion all winners and showcase the schools on our website and social channels.
Our partners
To find out how to get involved as a partner, contact Jo Trivedi, Head of Brand Partnerships at